
class urwid_timed_progress.TimedProgressBar(normal, complete, done=100, satt=None, units='', label='Progress', label_width=15)

Progress bar with label, progress rate, and time remaining displays

TimedProgressBar keeps track of when progress started and computes the rate of progress and estimated remaining_time as current progress is updated with the add_progress() method.

A timed progress bar starts with a current value of 0.

  • normal – display attribute for incomplete part of progress bar
  • complete – display attribute for complete part of progress bar
  • done – progress amount at 100%
  • satt – display attribute for smoothed part of bar where the foreground of satt corresponds to the normal part and the background corresponds to the complete part. If satt is None then no smoothing will be done.
  • units (str or list of tuples) –

    units to use. If a string, the units value is taken as a label and is used as is. units can also be a list of tuples such as:

        ('KB', 1000),
        ('MB', 1000000),
        ('GB', 1000000000)

    With a list of tuples, the timed progress bar selects the most reasonable unit to use for current, done, and rate. 3 KB is more reasonable than .003 MB and 3MB is more reasonable than 3000KB.

    Values greater than 1 and less than 1000 are preferred over fractions. So 400 KB is considered more reasonable than .4 MB.

  • label – label shown to the left of the progress bar
  • label_width – fixed width of label. Can be used to align stacked progress bars. Set label_width to 0 and label to the empty string to omit the label.
add_progress(delta, done=None)

Add to the current progress amount

Add delta to the current progress amount. This also updates rate and remaining_time.

The current progress is never less than 0 or greater than done.

  • delta – amount to add, may be negative
  • done – new value to use for done

current progress amount


progress amount when complete


time in seconds since the progress bar timer was last started


progress rate


remaining time (as a timedelta) until complete at current rate


Set current and restart the progress bar timer.

Indices and tables